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Polarity Lab: Contraction / Expansion


How do you relate to the polarities in your life?

In the words of Nobel-prize winning physicist Frank Wilczek, “You can recognize a deep truth by the feature that its opposite is also a deep truth.” Or, put another way, sometimes two phenomena that seem contradictory point to a common, singular essence--yet we must look at them separately to grasp the whole picture.

In this Polarity Lab, join Shaina as we play a series of games exploring the constant dance of contraction and expansion. This dance is the basic essence of our being, of existence itself. It is the breath cycle happening within us at every moment.

Yet the laws of physics state that when substances expand or contract, their particles stay the same. It is only the spaces between them that change. Thus, in this endless cycle of energy, there is also a core that remains unchanged.

In every Polarity Lab, we will practice...

  • coming more into the present moment in our interactions

  • getting genuinely curious - about our own experience, and the experiences of others

  • noticing our stories about who we think we need to be, and showing up as more of who we really are

As always, the number one rule is to honour yourself. That means taking care of yourself: not doing or saying anything you don't want to.

And the number one reminder is that whatever your experience is, is welcome!

No experience necessary.

To join this event register here: Polarity Lab: Contraction/Expansion

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  • If you are already a member Log in here

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* If you want to spread the love to those who you feel could benefit, please share this page.

Thanks for helping to bring more positive connections to the world!

March 1

Connection Games: The Peaceful Warrior Within

March 8

Connection Games: Emotions in Relationships