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Connection Games: The Peaceful Warrior Within


Does the thought of warrior energy cause a contraction in you? 

Do you sometimes feel lazy, weak or unproductive and want to turn that around?

Do you ever lash out at others or try to bring them down out of frustration?

Do you feel like you don’t have a greater purpose guiding you in this life?

If so, this event may help.

Join Riley for this Connection Games designed to awaken, develop and gain clarity on the Peaceful Warrior within.

I associate the Peaceful Warrior within me as the capacities of:

  • Being grounded

  • Connected to and taking care of my body

  • Trusting of my inner experience

  • Caring deeply for self and others  

  • Disciplined and focused 

  • Getting shit done

  • Enduring hardship with grace and love

  • Engaging fully with life  

  • Willing to step out of my comfort zone

  • Standing up for what I know is right

  • Setting and protecting boundaries

I believe these abilities live in all of us and the inner Warrior need to be awakened, supported and rooted in Power and Peace.

I have discovered that the Peaceful Warrior within me needs a purpose or a mission that is sourced from wisdom and love: you could call it my ‘highest purpose’.  I notice that without this, the energy that the Peaceful Warrior is sourced in expresses itself as either weak, lazy and apathetic or arrogant, chaotic and dangerous.

During this event we will play Authentic Relating Games that will help us:

  • Notice our experience more subtly

  • Discover the Power in hearing and saying “No”

  • Discover our highest purpose

  • Practice gratitude and making ourselves accountable

All this, and more in the spirit of strengthening our Peaceful Warrior!

“All I ever wanted was something worth fighting for.” Jake Sully, Avatar

No prior experience is necessary. Everyone is welcome.

To join this event register here: Connection Games: The Peaceful Warrior Within

Don’t see a link? Here is how to register:

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  • If your free trial has expired, become a member here

  • If you are not a member:

* If you want to spread the love to those who you feel could benefit, please share this page.

Thanks for helping to bring more positive connections to the world!

February 26

Navigating Shame

March 5

Polarity Lab: Contraction / Expansion