Frequently Asked Questions
At AR-GO we aim to create a safe(r) space for you to show up fully and find connection with yourself and others. That’s why we have created three Community Guidelines, which you’ll hear outlined at the beginning of each event on the platform: Honor Self, Honour Other, and Commit to Growth.
Honour Self:
Welcome what is alive in you
Respect your limits
Stay / be present
Show up fully with what is true for you
Honour Other:
Welcome what is alive in others
Listen with compassion
Inquire from genuine curiosity
Own your experience
Check your assumptions
Don’t share about other people’s experiences outside of events
Commit to Growth:
Our events offer a safer space to lean into our edge and get curious about what’s alive in us and between us. This is about going just outside of our comfort zone, without going too far. Leaning into our edge often leads to learning about ourself, we call this the growth zone, and it's where the adventure begins. We try to welcome the thoughts and emotions that show up, whether they are comfortable or uncomfortable and lean into connection. These experiences are opportunities that can help us to grow towards a more authentic, heart-centered way of being.
At AR-GO, we try not to:
blame or shame others for their choices, beliefs or feelings
give unsolicited advice or try to fix, rescue or change others
talk about other people’s stories or experiences
In order to ensure the safety of participants and facilitators, we will not tolerate aggressive, vulgar, discriminatory, insulting, and / or malicious language or behaviour. Participants who do not agree to adapt themselves in order to maintain a safe and respectful space for all will be subject to the removal of an event and cancellation of their membership without a refund. (You can read more about our views on safety and inclusion further down the FAQs)
AR-GO (pronounced A - R - Go) is an acronym for Authentic Relating Gatherings Online.
Authentic Relating is a practice of sharing more of ourselves in our relationships with the intention of greater connection and being more whole.
Sometimes we go through life afraid to share some part of ourselves, whether it’s a thought or feeling or something else, because we are afraid of the reaction. Denying those parts of our self a voice can feel depleting, lonely, and disconnecting.
Authentic Relating helps us find ways of healthy expression (through practices like “own your experience” and “honour other”) in service of connection. Also, sometimes speaking our inner world isn’t necessary, we just need to be aware of it and make choices in alignment with it.
At our events, you will have opportunities to share in ways you may never have shared before or in ways you don’t often find in the “mainstream world”. For some it may be like entering another world in the most refreshing way. And as always you are invited to share, never required. You get to make the choice for yourself how much and when to share. In this way, we believe AR-GO will be a nourishing place for practitioners at any level of experience.
You can make a donation here.
You can also support us by telling your friends and sharing our events in your social media.
No travel time
Interact with real people from the comfort of your own home
Different ways of seeing yourself and others
Decide on how you want to share
Use the chat box to share with the group or specific individuals
Discover new things about yourself through feeling your energy in relation to what you experience with others on the screen
Large group encounters as well as small, intimate connections are possible
Get to connect with people from all over the world
Here are some useful points to consider when at an event:
Have a drink, snack, blanket, whatever you may need to help you stay present
Get your camera ready! We like to be able to see each other, see smiles, tears, empathetic gazes and facial cues. If you can't have your camera on for some reason, please let us know, and we'll see if we can adjust.
Be sure to show up on time as the Zoom room may be locked anytime after the start of the event.
Use headphones for better sound
Try to keep background noises to a minimum
Consider pressing ‘Mute’ if there is sound in the background
Check the battery of your computer, and plug it in if it’s low
During the breakout rooms, you can always “Leave Breakout Room” to return to the main room for any reason, including to get help
Turn off your video if you need to go out of the room, or move your device
Absolutely not. No experience is necessary. The events are for anyone with an open-mind and curiosity, willing to respect our Community Guidelines and any agreements that are set within the events.
These events are NOT therapy. However, we offer structured events that welcome truth, connection, support and care. For many of our members, experiences on the platform can be very therapeutic. Ultimately, you are responsible for your own experience here.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
It is important to us that everyone feels welcome at our events.
This includes people of all genders and gender expressions, ages (18+), races, cultures, sub-cultures and counter-cultures, all kinds of bodies, minds and hearts, those with disabilities, gay, lesbian, bi, queer and straight people. Whatever your story or the story of your people, your mother tongue, you are welcome, the fullness of you is welcome, no parts left out. Whatever your mind state, whether your heart is heavy or light, troubled or clear.
Psychological safety
We value creating a safer container for personal and collective safety. Agreeing to clear protocols provided at the beginning of the evening helps to support one another. The ‘r’ in safer acknowledges that safety is a subjective experience.
The Community Guidelines expressed at the beginning of each event invites people to really honour themselves and others with anything they might need to be comfortable and to feel connected and give examples of what that looks like. (See our community guidelines in the the first question)
We focus on inviting. We invite everyone to show up as they can and empower them to say ‘No’ if they choose not to participate in a certain way.
We don’t make assumptions about someone because they show up differently or have different technical connectability than others. And if we do happen to make assumptions, we do our best to check them.
Events are designed to create safer as well as brave spaces. We want all participants to feel supported to step out of their comfort zones if they choose in order to explore their growth edges.
Please arrive 5 min before an event as the facilitator may lock the room any time after the start.
Go to the events page
Find the event you want to join
Click on the image or title to get more info
Follow the instructions on the event page for how to register.
You can contact us if you need help
Although we strive to make your experience as safe as possible, negative experiences can happen. If something doesn’t feel right with you after an event, please send us a feedback message with the name and date of the event and what happened and we will look into it and get back to you and offer the support we can.
For the highest quality experience, we recommend downloading the latest version of the Zoom App and using it on your laptop or desktop. You will also need an internet connection, video camera, microphone, and a space that is quiet, without distractions.
It happens, so don't worry. If you lose connection and want to rejoin, simply click the link again and you will be placed in the waiting room. The host will let you back in as soon as they can.
Sorry, no. AR-Go is not a registered charity and therefore any donations you make are not tax-deductible.
We would love to hear from you. Send us feedback