Noticing, in my opinion, is the foundation of all communication skills and authentic relating.
How can we be authentic if we are unaware of what is happening inside ourselves?
How can we expect to communicate well if are unable to express what is actually happening for us?
Join us on Tuesday as we dive deeper into the art of Noticing.
We will practice noticing what is going on inside ourselves…. physically, emotionally and intellectually.
We will practice sharing and articulating our inner experience
We will practice noticing what is going on for others.
And we will do it all together, in community, with real people wanting to connect and grow.
Come be a part of this emerging global movement to change our lives from the inside out and bring more honesty, clarity and awareness to the world!
Come and experience more of yourself with us.
To join this event register here: Connection Skills: Noticing
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* If you want to spread the love to those who you feel could benefit, please share this page.
Thanks for helping bring more positive connection to the world!