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🌟 Into the Heart: a 6-week Deep Dive (en français)

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Welcome to the Into the Heart Deep Dive (en français)
May 6, May 13, May 20, May 27, June 3, June 10, 12:30pm-2pm EDT**

  • Do you have a desire to feel seen, heard, and more deeply connected with yourself and others in a small group? 

  • Do you have a desire to discover what’s wanting to be brought into the light, in a caring and safe context?

  • Do you have a desire to get more clarity on something and new perspectives each week?

If you’re saying yes, read on!

Into the Heart: a 6-week Deep Dive (en français)

This course will be facilitated by Solomon Krueger in french.
*Riley Drever will facilitate the same deep dive in English. The link to that event is

In a small and supportive group, you’ll be gently guided on a journey to connect to yourself and others using a variety of the core frameworks from Authentic Relating Go (AR-Go). 

During these six weeks together, you’ll have the opportunity to practice your authentic relating skills, including relational awareness, genuine curiosity, empathic reflections, and sharing impact.

You’ll experience the many different flavours of AR-Go with the same group. Each week, we’ll explore a different practice together, including interpersonal inquiry, Connection Games, Sharing Circle, Heart Lounge, Presence Playground, and the Embodiment Forum.

If you are unfamiliar with any of the AR-Go core practices included, here’s a short summary:

Connection Games 

  • We play structured Authentic Relating games aimed to support us in showing up more fully, leaning into our edge, and discovering more of who we are while deepening our connections with others.

The Sharing Circle 

  • We offer a space for welcoming what is present in oneself and to share your experience in a safe context. using a powerful 3-round format. Round 1: How are you arriving? Round 2: Going Deeper: What is wanting to be expressed? Round 3: What are you taking away?

The Heart Lounge 

  • We create a space to share what is alive for us in the heart while relaxing more into ourselves. It’s also a space to practice asking for what you want as well as to practice curiosity, compassionate listening, and sharing moments of connection, resonance, and appreciation. 

Presence Playground 

  • We create a space to play with our moment-to-moment experience as it emerges while being in connection with others. We introduce a presencing inquiry approach, using Clean Questions, to support each other in discovering more of what is alive, right now, at this moment.

The Embodiment Forum 

  • We offer an opportunity to feel more deeply connected to oneself and others. This is a transformative practice that involves expressing what is alive in the here and now, using the whole body. It also involves offering mirrors back to the presenters: empathetic reflections, using voice, movement, metaphor, presence.


  • Six Thursdays, May 6, May 13, May 20, May 27, June 3, June 10, 12:30pm-2pm EDT**
    **If this time doesn’t fit with your schedule and you’re still interested in participating, please send me an email with your availability: Thanks.


  • From your home, Online, on Zoom. The links for the calls will be shared upon registration.


  • Regular: sliding scale C$200, $300, or $400

  • Special $50 discount for AR-Go members on the amount you choose. For details about becoming a member, visit here.

  • Special discount scholarship are available upon request:


Spaces are limited. If you’re interested to join, please send an email to to express your interest and why you would like to join. 


If you have any questions or for more information or to request a scholarship, please email us at

Looking forward to sharing this journey into the heart with you.


Riley and Solomon have a special place in my heart. I’m very grateful for the experiences I had in their facilitation/leadership training and games nights. I felt fully supported, honoured and appreciated in my most vulnerable self-expression. It has had a huge impact on my work in how I relate to my patients. Beautiful connections and relationships have been built as a result of these new skills.
-Kelly S.

For me, Solomon and Riley have the combined richness of experience, competence, and heart to facilitate authentic relating activities. I feel their passion and admire their skills in modeling and leading. When I participate with them, I feel safe and in good hands to be vulnerably myself.
-Kathy P.

Riley, Solomon and team are phenomenal facilitators who I view as mentors. They host meaningful and empowering events, bring together a respectful community, and have provided me with tools to be authentic, show up fully, play with my edge, respect my limits, welcome vulnerability, own my experiences and speak my truth.
-Michelle C.

Deep Dive (FR) Cover image.jpeg
May 4

Embodiment Forum: Level 1 (special free event)

May 8

Connection Games - Getting Their World