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The Art of Deep Listening


Opening up and sharing authentically is enormously easier when we are able to listen deeply, to ourselves and to others.

Authentic relating does not happen in the void. Whether we realize it or not, a constellation of intentions, body sensations, expectations, rules of engagement and feelings structures itself behind the scenes of our mind, invisibly shaping how we listen.

The ability to consciously listen is a hidden craft that powers all others authentic relating skills. It applies to when we relate to one other person, to groups, and even to how we relate to ourselves.

With a new perspective on listening explored in every session, opportunities for experiential skill building and moments of knowledge sharing, this series will deepen your awareness, build your muscle and expand your repertoire when it comes to the art of deep listening.

This event will be facilitated by Nicolo. No experience in necessary and everyone is welcome!

To join this event register here: The Art of Deep Listening

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* If you want to spread the love to those who you feel could benefit, please share this page.

Thanks for helping bring more positive connection to the world!

February 1

Connection Games: Be Like Water

February 4

Body Speak: A Practice of Embodied Connection