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Purpose Discovery Connection Games: The Saboteur and The Sage (free event)


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This event is an introduction to the 6-week Purpose Discovery Journey. Learn more here

Two Wolves is a story from the Cherokee Nation that illustrates the most important battle of our lives – the one between our Saboteur (fearful) thoughts and Sage (wisdom) thoughts.

Here is how the story goes:

An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life.

“A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy.

“It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.

One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, fear, and false pride.

The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.

The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”

The grandson thought for a moment and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”


We have 2 wolves inside of us: The Saboteur and The Sage. 

Saboteurs (fears) push us into action and success through anger, regret, guilt, anxiety, shame, etc.  The Sage (wisdom) pulls you into action and success through compassion, curiosity, creativity, the joy of self-expression, a desire to contribute or be in service to something greater than ourselves. 

When we safely heal ourselves from the harsh inner-critic, the self-judge, the saboteur, we are able to embody our authenticity, our truth, without reservation, fear, or judgment. 

Self-awareness is self-love.

In this workshop, facilitated by Brian, we will explore 3 ways to SHIFT from the Saboteur perspective to the Sage perspective. 

They are the 3 E’s: Empathy, Explore, and Encourage.

In Empathy Mode, we are invited to view the relationship between the critical self and the one that is vulnerable to criticism.  This meditation explores more options for responding to the self-critic, and encourages us to look for the real voice of truth: the part that is strong, resourced, loving and warm.  

In Explore Mode, we are invited to bring curiosity, openness, wonder, and fascination to a situation or challenge in our lives.  The Explore mode is important for looking at new challenges, and it also enables us to see the lesson in our past experiences.  You may see that there are no mistakes, only lessons, and this shifts us from resentment to a mindset of gratitude.  Your Sage perspective can turn the idea of ‘mistake’ or ‘failure’ into gifts and opportunities, which are discovered in the exploration process.

In Encourage Mode, we are invited to observe and label our Saboteur thoughts and feelings, while also inviting the Sage perspective into what we are learning about ourselves.  We learn to use language in a way that is not ‘fixed’ on any identity from the past.  From there, we can identify our needs and values to find the wisdom contained within the fragmented or discarded parts of ourselves.  We come to greater wholeness, the essence of healing.

You may leave feeling more connected with others and with new insights to take into your life.

No experience necessary and everyone is welcome!

Come and experience more of yourself with us.

Please note this event starts at 6:30 pm EDT.

Register for free here

* If you want to spread the love to those who you feel could benefit, please share this page.

Thanks for helping bring more positive connection to the world!

May 17

Connection Games: Empathy

May 19

Women’s Circle