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Men’s Connection Circle

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Are you wanting a space for men to share what’s true and alive for you and be a supportive witness to each other?

You’ve come to the right place.

Our aim is to create an open and caring space for men and get real. Many men do not have a place to talk about what is really going in their lives, to talk about the parts of themselves they keep hidden from the world and even the people they love. We are here to change that!

Men’s Connection Circles use a simple yet powerful 3-round format to explore what is present in us and share our experiences as humans in a safe and honest environment.

Round 1: Check-ins: How are you arriving?

The container is set by welcoming in everyone’s voice and naming what we are bringing in our bodies, minds and hearts.

Round 2: Going Deeper: What is wanting to be expressed?

Using simple and deep prompts, each person will have the space to share what is alive for them: What touches your heart? What are you struggling with? What needs a safe place to be shared?

Your turn will end by receiving gifts of connection and appreciation for what you bring.

You will also bear witness to others’ truths and practice the arts of compassionate listening and finding connection.

Round 3: Check-outs: What are you taking away?

There is much to be gained in our collective wisdom. We will leave the evening harvesting the riches of our shares and our witnessing. What gifts and insights will you be taking into your life?

* If you want to spread the love to those who you feel could benefit, please share this page.

Thanks for helping to bring more positive connections to the world!

March 1

Embodiment Forum

March 3

Heart Lounge