Note: This date for this event has been changed from Tuesday, Feb 1st to Monday, Jan 31st.
To join this event, register here: Presence Playground
Don’t see a link? Become a member here, or buy a single ticket here.
Looking for a space to experience a deeper sense of presence while staying in connection with others?
Do you want to discover your unfolding experience of the present moment?
Do you want to practice the Art of Clean Inquiry?
If so, come join the Presence Playground!
The Presence Playground is a space to play with our moment-to-moment experience as it emerges while being in connection with others. We will be weaving a powerful practice, often reserved for the meditation cushion, into the interactive relational space.
We will use a clean, presencing Inquiry, inspired from Clean Language, to support each other in discovering more of what is alive, right now, at this moment.
Zen master, Shunryu Suzuki wrote: ‘When you listen to someone, forget what you have in your mind and just listen. If your mind is empty it’s ready for anything and open to everything.’
As soon as you empty your mind, it starts filling up again. Clean language really helps you become aware of this; in fact by asking Clean questions, you turn the conversations you have into a mindfulness practice all of its own….
You may leave feeling more connected to yourself and others and with new insights.
Hosted by: Mabel
Tech Support: Brigitte
* If you want to spread the love to those who you feel could benefit, please share this page.
Thanks for helping to bring more positive connections to the world!