Do you crave being heard, seen and loved?
I (Katie) think it’s something we all need!
Join me Sunday morning (Eastern time) for a special “Hizzle” (Hearing, Seeing and Loving) based sharing circle.
The space will be similar to the format of a sharing circle, where we get to check-in and speak about things that are alive for us that want to be heard along with getting feedback!
Make a cup of tea, get a cozy blanket, and get ready to connect with others.
No experience necessary and everyone is welcome!
To join this event register here: Hizzle Sharing Circle
Don’t see a link? Here is how to register:
If you are already a member Log in here
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If you are not a member:
Start your free trial: Sign up here
Get a ticket for this event: Pay here
* If you want to spread the love to those who you feel could benefit, please share this page.
Thanks for helping bring more positive connection to the world!