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Fish Bowl: Men and Women’s Sharing Circle

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Ever wonder what happens in the sharing circles of the other gender you don’t get to attend? 

Ever want to have more insight into the experience of those of the other gender? 

Well, this is a chance to observe and learn from their experiences and answers.  

Inspired by an event developed by Jelena Ostoich from Slovakia, this event is based on the "Crystal Ball" authentic relating circle method. Its process is themed for exploration. The men and women will form two groups, the men will have a chance to ask women a question or questions to discuss amongst themselves, then the women will ask the men questions - the other gender (with video off) will be observing discussion within each from the outside of that circle such as that of a fishbowl.

With an opportunity to explore a theme, each gender group will get a chance to discuss questions for the other gender's sharing circle container which they will observe. The exploration will be on different experiences with revealing authentic answers and the other’s reality on those subjects presented.

Hosted by: Katie and Jerry

* If you want to spread the love to those who you feel could benefit, please share this page.

Thanks for helping to bring more positive connections to the world!

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