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Fear Lab

To join this event, register here: Fear Lab

To promote accessibility, this event is by donation. You can make a donation here

Fear Lab: Making Fear Your Ally

"Fear is excitement without breath." -Fritz Perls

What if fear is here to help us?

Can we learn to embrace and even enjoy our fear?
What if fear can be an ally to wake us up to new possibilities.. rather than an enemy to be avoided?

Join us in the Fear Lab to find out.

This workshop is for anyone who has felt their fear holds them back from what really matters in life. Relationships, love, money, career, adventure...

In it we will explore the ridiculous, mind-bending possibility of actually enjoying our fear.. and learning from it. 

This event is for you if:

  • You would like a waayyyy better relationship with fear.. so you can create more of the life you dream.   

  • You want to lean into the dignity of risk for what matters in your life. 

  • Fear and worry drain a significant amount of your energy each day.

  • You want to experience more of the beauty of life.

You will walk away with a transformed perspective for one area of your life where fear has held you back. 

Facilitated by: Nick Shrewsbury

*If you know someone who could benefit from this event, please share this page and help spread the love to those around you.

Thank you for helping to bring more positive connections to the world.

October 26

Presence Playground

November 2

Heart Lounge