To join this event register here: Heart Temple
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If you’ve participated in the Heart Lounges, Presence Playgrounds and other AR-Go events, please join us for Heart Temple!
The Heart Temple takes the Heart Lounge experience to the next level!
An opportunity to connect within ourselves and with each other more deeply while sharing in the compassionate, heartful presence of others
Less structure so you can Honour Self more fully by crafting an experience based on your inner sense of knowing what you want and need for your ideal experience.
An opportunity to practice integrating all your authentic relating and relational empowerment skills!
What members have shared about the Heart Lounge:
'I feel freedom and a secure space to allow what’s alive to unfold.'
'It was so rich... I felt cared for. I feel so full.'
“I realized that reflection is such an important part of connection”
“I felt super safe that I was in control of the conversation”
“It is a fun way to get keys to understand myself better”
“I felt really safe because I could ask for the type of response I needed”
“Expressing my needs and honouring others is such a valuable tool”
To continue to support a safe container, Heart Temple is open to members who have participated in at least 1 Heart Lounge and feel comfortable and familiar with its structure. Ideally you have been to a variety of other AR-Go events or authentic relating events and have developed some ease using the skills shared in these communities.
Hosted by: Maya
Thanks for helping to bring more positive connections to the world!