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Freeing Our Wild Collective Wisdom: A Deep Dive

Freeing Our Wild Collective Wisdom: A Deep Dive

April 9 & 10, 9-11:30 am 1-3 pm (EST)

Facilitated by Tanya Williams and Brandon Finegold

What wisdom can our bodies unlock together?  Let’s explore this question by swimming in the water where two rivers of practice meet: the Embodiment Forum and Collective Presencing. 

Adapted from the Zegg Community in Germany, the Embodiment Forum is a transformative practice that harnesses the healing power of the relational body in community.  A simple structure of sharing and mirroring, invites us to deeply sense ourselves, express what is alive for us in the moment, and receive (and offer) empathic reflections through voice, words, movement, metaphor and presence.  The reflections reverberate amongst the community members, generating surprising insights that reveal what we are caring for and where the leverage for change lies, transforming long-held patterns. 

Coming out of a long history of deep circle practice and dialogue, Collective Presencing invites us to ask: “What becomes possible when we are truly present together?”  Gathering around a shared inquiry, sensing into what wants to be spoken to, and from, “the middle”, we practice relating as one organism, rather than speaking directly to each other as individuals.  Learning to trust ourselves-in-process, we grow our capacity for different ways of knowing, as we think and feel our way together.  New ideas spring from the shared field in unexpected ways.  An experience of shared sense-making & meaning-making emerges a visceral sense of ourselves as being intimately connected, dissolving our stories of separateness and isolation.   

We invite you into a deep dive experiment where we will explore what new possibilities for inter-relatedness emerge when we allow ourselves to plunge below verbal language & constructs into the ever-moving stream of embodied experience.  And when we bring our wild embodied rivers to flow together in the open ocean of Collective Presencing… 

What wildly intelligent “We” awaits?

This is for you if…

  • You love the idea of slowing down to listen deeply in a shared field of co-sensing & meaning-making.

  • You love to play.

  • You love to move your body.

  • You want to connect with your body as a source of insight, direction and belonging.

  • You want to practice being present with yourself while with others.

  • You are looking for new ways to generate a shared sense of meaning.

  • You want to grow your trust in yourself-in-process.

  • You want to develop a visceral sense of yourself-as-ecosystem, as intimately connected to something larger.

  • You want to develop confidence in listening, speaking & moving from this sense of deep connectedness.

If you have any questions, we would be happy to set up a discovery call with you.

For Registration: Please send a message to Tanya, or Brandon:

Pay-What-Makes-Deep-Sense @ the end

We ask for a deposit of $50 to hold your spot and pay at the end of the experience and consider:

  1. Your capacity to pay.

  2. The value you received.

  3. What you want to grow in the world & support to continue so others can experience it, too.

  4. The energies, resources & experience needed to make this happen.

What feels sustainable to us would fall into a range of $150-250.

April 7

Presence Playground

April 11

Heart Lounge